
Sonas-Behavioural Science LTD develops a cloud-based platform CASPER. It is powered by applied emotion analytics along with machine learning to measure mental wellbeing and everyday performance at work beyond surveys.

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CASPER is a cloud-based platform powered up by emotion analytics to measure mental wellbeing and everyday performance at work. Deploying cutting-edge behavioural science along with machine learning, we are able to dive deeper into nuanced areas of working days beyond retrospective surveys, collecting fully anonymous real-time insights. For employees, CASPER is a proactive self-reflective tool to understand themselves better and learn practical coping techniques. For company leaders, we provide an intelligent dashboard with evidence-based suggestions to inform an efficient workplace wellbeing strategy. As a result, leaders know where to invest resources to see the greatest impact on the quality of working lives.


We won several awards and were nurtured by the Scottish entrepreneurial system including Scottish Enterprise, University of Stirling, Scottish Institute of Enterprise, CivTech 3.0, Converge KickStart, RBS Entrepreneur Accelerator, Investing Women and EIE-20. We are at the MVP stage running trials through our Early Adopter Programme. We are seeking for an impact investor and strategic partnerships with data analytics companies.


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