
Gigged.AI have created a digital talent platform powered by Artificial Intelligence. We make it is easy for on-demand talent to work on remote digital projects from across the UK.

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There are over 100,000 tech vacancies in the UK as more companies create digital projects to drive revenue and cut costs. Over 60% of these projects fail due to lack of talent.

Brexit and new regulation means it is now harder than ever to find and on-board project driven resource. Companies are looking at different ways to find resource to complete projects.


Our platform can source and onboard on-demand talent in less than 24 hours.

We have developed conversational AI that allows clients to create an outcome based work package which ensures there is a well qualified brief.

Our algorithms source from four  talent pools instead of traditional one to ensure we have a community of the best on-demand tech talent.

We have built in unique IR35 and background checks in our platform






Further information

If you'd like to discover more about Gigged.AI, please contact us. 

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