
Etiq AI helps companies to test and monitor their predictive models by identifying issues, bias and preventing accuracy loss in both building & production stages.

Bayes - EtiqAI


Businesses are rapidly adopting AI to feed into automated decision-making systems. Increasingly both legislation and public sentiment requires that these decisions can be evidenced as fair, due to the potential negative impacts. Even Amazon suffered reputational damage when the public realised that a predictive model for recruitment decisions made biased recommendations. Regardless of the reasons, the outcome is revenue loss, wasted time, unhappy customers treated unfairly and potentially regulatory fines.



Etiq AI is a flexible software solution for building trustworthy ML algorithms that enables transparent and auditable decision-making. AI pipelines contain anomalies and errors that can lead to algorithms suggesting decisions that negatively affect businesses and their customers. It prevents organisations from addressing AI performance and inclusivity metrics. Etiq AI customers can access our AI out-the-box tests so that they detect and rectify issues of accuracy, drift, bias, fairness at any point of their AI development/deployment pipelines.



