Venture Builder Incubator Cohort 3.0 (2023)

Discover the Venture Builder Incubator Cohort 3.0 (2023).

Meet Mael Abgrall

Meet Aidan Campbell

Meet Víctor Pérez Prieto and Manolis Kotzampasakis.

Meet Artūras Straižys

Meet Kwabena Nuamah

Meet Louis Marie

Meet Fatemeh Semsarieh and Amirreza Sarencheh

Meet Marise Treseder and Thomas Cartwright

Meet Jacqueline Hall

Meet Katie Dubarry

Meet Tiffany Ma

Meet Alex Mussgnug

Meet Meriam Moujahid

Meet Vassilis Sboros

Meet Elliot Addy, Xell Brunet Guasch and Ryan Gidda.

Meet Greg Verghese

Meet Kevin Saruni Tipatet

Meet Faith Howard and Natalie Winder

Meet Wu Huang

Meet Samuel Gibbon

Meet Jay Saengboon.

Meet Arsh Merchant, Kevin Spillmann and Ahmad Rafi

Meet Amin Rigi