Medkal Health

Medkal Health provides the first algorithmic solution for accurate and trusted remote clinical data for telehealth and clinical trials.



Healthcare providers and clinicians are keenly aware that artificial intelligence and remote diagnostic monitoring have the potential to revolutionise diagnostic clinical medicine and the delivery of sustainable virtual care. However for this revolution we require accurate and trusted remote clinical data. The lack of mutual clinical / patient trust in remote data is a key barrier for clinical adoption of virtual care and enhanced patient adherence and linked with issues of poor patient adherence quality and cost for value based care.


We solve the problem of building mutual trust in remote patient data by ensuring the validation and verification of data accuracy by  data quality index machine learning algorithms. By building trust in data from medical devices and patient data gathering skills we ensure clinical decisions are based on accurate data for Telehealth and remote data used to develop clinical decision support algorithms is accurate. We identify patients and devices with divergent data for precise patient coaching and device quality control.


