Danu Robotics

Our revolutionary robotic waste sorting product will help our customers to significantly increase their productivity, boosting the circular economy and cleaning up the environment.

Danu Robotics


Globally, all recycling sites are hiring people to pick out contaminants and sort out waste. This manual process can pose health risks to personnel and is profoundly inefficient. The recyclables generated through the current process contains 50% to 10% contaminants resulting in them either ending up in landfill or having to go through a costly secondary process for them to be useable. This incurs a high economic cost to the recycling companies and an extremely high environmental cost.


Our patent pending technology can automate the waste sorting and contaminants removal process with much greater speed and accuracy. It reduces the contaminant rate from  50% to below 1% enabling our customers to produce much higher purity recyclables, saving them operating costs and  significantly increase their profitability. Our customer can expect to recoup their initial investment within two years’ time.


