Outfit of Tomorrow

Meet Outfit of Tomorrow

Outfit of tomorrow


As one of the biggest polluters, fast fashion causes considerable environmental harm and has socially harmful practices that raise ethical concerns in consumers. We found from our research that many are interested in sustainable fashion, but what is stopping people from buying from sustainable brands is that they are hard to find, and their products are considered too expensive. Also, many brilliant sustainable fashion brands exist unknown. There is a gap in the market between supply and demand.


Outfit of Tomorrow is a tool that enables fashion consumers to shop sustainably quickly, easily and with the right information. Our website lists fashion items with links to sustainable brands and the browser extension recommends sustainable alternatives to the items searched.


The fashion industry is growing and the growth of ethical fashion (CAGR: 8.7%) is apparent. As consumers become more conscious, there is a great opportunity to promote sustainable fashion. Based on our survey with 390 responses, the initial target market will be 18?25-year-olds, as they are the most interested in a sustainable fashion. We will start with the UK as we know this market has demand, but planning to branch out into Europe and the US. We will use social media to reach our users.


 Anna Kovacs

Ariana Davison


Asher Petit
