Tucano Labs

Meet Jay Saengboon.



A sustainable fintech company that focuses on sustainable personal finance education and provides a decarbonized investment portfolio.


Jay Saengboon


1. Provide education on personal finance, especially in sustainable finance, for all. 2. Eliminate the all-or-none approach between investment and sustainability 3. Improve process and increase efficiency in extracting 'carbon factors' data from multiple sources. With the use of Natural Language Processing and other AI-powered techniques, we can use this to extract this information in smarter and more efficient, environmentally friendly ways.


Everyone can reach financial goals and saves the world. By decarbonizing investment portfolios' weight within the portfolio, based on AI evaluation of ROI, Carbon Factors, and risks. This will help with investment in green companies and client financial securities.


Young Professionals and College students.  For these groups of clients, climate change and sustainability are important to them. They are also the group of people who are deeply concerned about their financial stability. Our initial survey (N=30) shows that this group is keen on using our products (70% - positive in adopting our product) from day one.

Institutional investors - we are offering our models to improve their carbon intensity calculation and process improvement.


LinkedIn Jadejutha Saengboon