Inherently Ethical

Meet Alex Mussgnug


The first project management platform to help deliver economically and ethically optimal data science solutions. In one place, developers, ethical and legal specialists, domain experts, and executives can collaboratively plan and evaluate AI projects.


Alex Mussgnug


While businesses are investing heavily in the development of big data solutions, considerably less attention is paid to their evaluation. In the rare instances that substantial validation is performed, it often proceeds in an unorganized fashion and artificially separates ethical and performance dimensions. This leads to the problem that companies invest millions in the development of data science projects without effective ways of ensuring the ultimate solution delivers the intended value.


I will provide a project management platform that leverages measurement science to deliver economically and ethically optimal data science solutions. In one place, developers, ethical and legal specialists, domain experts, and executives can collaboratively plan and pragmatically evaluate AI projects.


On the one hand, the platform offers significant value to large-scale corporate clients and research institutions that want to streamline and render more effective their data science and AI evaluation. On the other hand, I anticipate interest from cloud ML providers that could gain a competitive advantage by integrating or licensing this service.


LinkedIn Alex Mussgnug