
Reoptimize provides control settings optimizations for wind turbine owners and operators. This increases annual energy production, reduces loads, and increases wind farm ROI.



Fundamental aspects of wind turbine control systems are not being addressed optimally. Existing control systems were designed to optimize each individual component rather than taking a system-wide approach to optimization. Also, wind turbines are equipped with generalised factory settings which do not take into account site specific factors, wind conditions, or machine variability/ageing. Each of these factors, if not accounted properly by the control system, can lead to a reduced annual energy production and increased stresses on the turbine components.


Reoptimize improves the performance of wind turbines and wind farms by providing optimized control settings.  Our patented Global Loss Minimization (GLM) algorithm and proprietary software can significantly increase energy production, increasing revenue by over £10k pa per turbine. This has been proven in medium and utility scale commercial wind turbines.  This energy increase is achieved by uploading optimized control settings to turbines without the need for any changes to hardware or software.  In fact, these updates can typically be performed remotely.


