Statistics: Unlocking the World of Data (MOOC)

At a time when understanding data is becoming more and more important, this free course will introduce learners to the fundamentals of statistics and provide them with a toolkit to better understand the data and statistics we encounter in everyday life

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are freely accessible and open-licensed short courses, delivered to large cohorts of learners fully online. 

The course looks at what data is, how we present it, and how statistics is used to investigate many challenging issues and scientific advances, from global warming to modern-day slavery, or from the decline of biodiversity to advances in pharmaceutical research. Through a combination of videos, examples, interactive apps, discussions and quizzes, learners are taken on a journey into the heart of statistics.

Find out more and sign up. 


Additional University of Edinburgh MOOCs

A full list of MOOCs offered throughout the University of Edinburgh in a number of subject areas is available here: 

University of Edinburgh MOOCs