Do you have an interesting research question or challenge that you do not currently have specialist expertise, resources or funding available to support? Why not apply to become a partner on one of our University of Edinburgh MSc projects. We look for projects from a range of different disciplines around data science and AI. Projects are open to companies, organisations, charities and government departments. There are many benefits to becoming an external partner for our students:It's a great opportunity to research questions and problems that will accelerate your research and developmentOur talented and enthusiastic students will bring fresh perspectives and ideas into your organisationYou can start to develop a relationship with the University of Edinburgh Many companies have used this as a very successful recruitment toolSome have also extended projects into longer research projects with academic groupsWe do not ask for a financial contribution to the project but we do expect that you can dedicate your time for supervision and provide data as required.If you would like to submit a project proposal, please complete this online form.Online formOur application for project proposals is open throughout the year, although please note that typically MSc projects take place in the Summer, with applications due in Autumn to Winter.Our Bayes Centre Team will work with you to identify the best place for your research project. Completion of the form and submission of a project topic does not guarantee that the project will go ahead. If your project is suitable, we will match your project to the most appropriate course and school, and support you to identify a co-supervisor from the research community at the University of Edinburgh.MSc programmes are run by different schools across the University of Edinburgh with varying lengths of projects from 5 weeks to 12 weeks. For inspiration on topics covered by our various MSc programmes, please take a look at our current programmes. Current Programmes Biological SciencesChemistryEngineeringEPCCGeosciencesInformaticsMathematicsPhysics & AstronomyTopics IncludeAdvanced Design InformaticsAdvanced Technology for Financial ComputingArtificial IntelligenceAIAI: Foundations and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Automated Reasoning, Agents, Data Intensive ResearchANC: Machine Learning, Computational Neuroscience, Computational BiologyICSA: Computer Architecture, Compilation and System Software, Networks and CommunicationILCC: Language Processing, Speech Technology, Information Retrieval, CognitionIPAB: Robotics, Computer Vision, Computer Graphics and AnimationLFCS: Theory and Foundations of Computer Science, Databases, Software and Systems ModellingBiomedical Artificial IntelligenceNatural Language ProcessingCognitive ScienceComputer ScienceCyber Security, Privacy and TrustData ScienceData Science, Technology and InnovationDesign InformaticsSpeech and Language ProcessingImagingHigh Performance ComputingHigh Performance Computing (with Data Science)Computational Applied MathematicsComputational Mathematical FinanceFinancial MathematicsFinancial Modelling and OptimizationOperational ResearchOperational Research with Computational OptimizationOperational Research with Data ScienceOperational Research with RiskStatistics and Operational ResearchStatistics with Data ScienceMathematical PhysicsParticle and Nuclear PhysicsTheoretical PhysicsApplied Environmental HydrogeologyCarbon ManagementEarth Observation and Geoinformation ManagementEcological EconomicsEnergy, Society and SustainabilityEnvironment and DevelopmentEnvironment, Culture and SocietyEnvironmental Protection and ManagementEnvironmental SustainabilityFood SecurityGeoEnergyGeographical Information ScienceGlobal Environment ChallengesMarine Systems and PoliciesSoils and SustainabilityAnimal Breeding and GeneticsBiochemistryBiodiversity and Taxonomy of PlantsBioinformaticsBiotechnologyDrug Discovery and Translational BiologyEvolutionary GeneticsHuman Complex Trait GeneticsQuantitative Genetics and Genome AnalysisSynthetic Biology and BiotechnologySystems and Synthetic BiologyAnalytical ChemistryMaterials ChemistryMedicinal and Biological ChemistryAdvanced Chemical EnginneringAdvanced Power EngineeringDigital Design and ManufactureElectrical Power EngineeringElectronicsInternational Master of Science in Fire Safety EngineeringLeading Major ProgrammesSensor and Imaging SystemsSignal Processing and CommunicationsStructural and Fire Safety EngineeringSustainable Energy SystemsCase StudiesRead our case studies from our partners who have worked with University of Edinburgh MSc students on data-driven projects or challenges. OnGen MSc Project Machine learning techniques for aerial mapping of renewables. Police Scotland MSc Project Data analysis of knife crime incidents with Police Scotland. Moonsift MSc Project: Multimodal Machine Learning Moonsift is building an AI-powered product research tool (co-pilot) for taste driven purchases. This article was published on 2024-09-30