Additional Training

Find out more about additional on campus training offered in the area of data science

PhD Programmes

If you are interested in studying a PhD related to data science, there are a wide range of programmes available within the University of Edinburgh.

The Postgraduate Research Programmes webpage contains additional information

Undergraduate Training

Undergraduate programmes with links to data science are available throughout many subject areas within the University of Edinburgh. For the full list of undergraduate degrees visit the University website's undergraduate section

Opportunities via The Data Lab

Industrial Doctorates

The Data Lab co-funds industrial doctorate programmes at Scottish universities, in collaboration with Scottish industry or public sector organisations. These industrial doctorates are designed to support the development of data science talent at a PhD / EngD level, while facilitating collaboration between industry and academia through applied research projects.

Visit the Data Lab's website for more information


The Data Lab MSc is a collaborative programme between The Data Lab and 11 Scottish universities. It facilitates industry involvement and collaboration, and provides full funding and resources for students.

Further information is available from the Data Lab