Data Science in Stratified Healthcare and Precision Medicine (MOOC)

Recent advances in data science are transforming the life sciences leading to stratified healthcare and precision medicine. This free course outlines some of the different types of data and computational methods involved.

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Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are freely accessible and open-licensed short courses, delivered to large cohorts of learners fully online. 

An increasing volume of data is becoming available in biomedicine and healthcare, from genomic data to electronic patient records and data collected by wearable devices.

This course covers some of the different types of data and computational methods involved in stratified healthcare and precision medicine. Learners have a hands-on experience of working with such data and learn from leaders in the field about successful case studies.

Topics include: sequence processing, image analysis, network modelling, probabilistic modelling, machine learning, natural language processing, process modelling and graph data.

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Additional University of Edinburgh MOOCs

A full list of MOOCs offered throughout the University of Edinburgh in a number of subject areas is available here: 

University of Edinburgh MOOCs