Machine learning techniques for aerial mapping of renewables. OnGen is a software platform provider that specialises in energy efficiency, onsite renewable energy feasibility and renewable energy supply contracts. What was the project? Image The project focused on automating a currently semi-manual process of identifying suitable areas at an energy user's site for the deployment of solar PV and solar thermal technologies on roof spaces. What was the business need? OnGen has developed award-winning software that assesses up to ten renewable energy technologies but automating the analysis further using machine learning helps rule out areas where a certain technology would not be suitable. Furthermore, using machine learning, limits the user input making a more streamlined and user-friendly process for assessing the feasibility of onsite renewable energy. OnGen offered the internship as it was research that we had wanted to conduct for many years, however, we did not have the in-house time and knowledge to conduct the research successfully. What did the students bring to the team? The student that conducted the research project brought their own knowledge and expertise with lots of ideas for how to carry out the project. She was self-sufficient and needed little direction to carry out the project to a satisfactory level supported by an academic advisor that assisted with the technical details. This article was published on 2024-09-30