Guidance for Building Users Working Outside of Weekdays 9am to 5pm

Information for Building Users Working Outside of Weekdays 9am to 5pm.

Out of Hours Working and Lone Working Guidance
Bayes Centre building

To ensure all building users understand differing levels of building support at different times of the day and week, it is essential that users understand the expectations on them if working out of hours. The Bayes Centre encourages flexible working and a healthy work life balance. The policy is aimed to foster that culture within the building. Lone working within the building is not encouraged unless necessary and appropriate risk assessments and safe operating procedures should be in place and understood by those users.

Out of hours working is defined as work taking place outside of the published Bayes Centre reception opening hours. Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm

  • Out of hours working is Monday to Friday 7am to 9am, 5pm to 10pm and Saturday 7am to 10pm.
  • The building is closed outside of these times and should not be accessed without prior approval of the Facility and Operations Manager.

Lone working is defined as working where no one else has an awareness of your presence in the building. It is the responsibility of the building user to ensure there are suitable and personal safe guards in place when working on their own while in the building.

Lone Working Guidance

If you know you are working on your own or you find yourself working alone, you should follow the steps below:

  • Phone security on 0131 650 2257, giving your name, the building and room you are working in. (you may choose to inform others of your location but they MUST know the contact details for security if access is required)
  • Phone security again on leaving to let them know you are leaving the building.
  • Please take additional care in leaving the building, ensuring that the doors are locked behind you and that no-one else enters the building.   Do not tackle an intruder on your own. 
  • The security emergency number is 0131 650 2222.
  • Security staff have the authority to ask the identity of persons found in the building outside normal working hours
Fire Evacuation and other Emergency Guidance
  • If you discover a fire, raise the alarm by operating the nearest Break Glass Point. This will activate the Fire Alarm System sounders throughout the building and will send an alarm signal to the University Security Control Room. University Security will then call out the Fire Services.
  • If possible, telephone University Security on emergency extension 0131 650 2222, or 0131 650 2257 and give clear and relevant information regarding the location of the fire.
  • On hearing the Fire Alarm, evacuate the building as quickly as possible by the nearest Fire Exit.  Fire Exit routes are clearly identified with directional green signs.
  • Once clear of the building make your way to the fire assembly point on Potterrow at junction of Marshal St and make yourself know to security and the fire service as soon as is possible. (If you are unsure, you should be familiar with the fire action notices throughout the building)
  • If you experience any building problems such as loss of electricity, flooding or other building emergency or you have any concern, please telephone University Security 0131 650 2257.
  • There will be no fire coordinator or fire stewards working out of hours, users are responsible for evacuating and reporting to security.
  • There is unlikely to be a first aider in the building out of hours. Users will need to ensure they have suitable arrangements in place.
General Guidance
  • Any work which entails a risk of serious personal injury or fire by the persons working alone is prohibited.
  • Young children should only be brought into building under exceptional circumstances, especially outside normal working hours.  However, if this is unavoidable it is essential to provide strict and close supervision at all times. 
  • Dogs and other pets are not permitted into University buildings with the exception of assistance dogs.
  • Smoking is always prohibited within University buildings and this now includes electronic cigarettes. Please do not smoke at the doorway entrances.
Security Guidance
  • Please do not allow “tailgating”, if you are coming in out of hours ensure that only you enter and that the door is closed behind you.  Similarly, when leaving ensure the door is closed as you leave.
  • University Security will patrol the Bayes Centre out of hours. They are identifiable with ID badges and red jackets with University and security branding. Security have the right to ask for anyone’s ID and to query why anyone is in the building out of hours. Anyone without a good reason to be any department of the Bayes Centre, will be asked to leave and we reserve the right to take further action if necessary.
  • If you feel in anyway vulnerable or need any assistance with an urgent building matter or a security matter you can contact security at any time on 0131 650 2257