Videos and student testimonials

Find out more about the programme from our first Programme Director, Course Organiser and current students through short introductory videos and student testimonials.

Studying Online

This short video provides an introduction to postgraduate level online learning at the College of Science & Engineering who host the Data Science, Technology and Innovation programmes, at The University of Edinburgh. 


Programme Videos

Programme Director Welcome, Dr Adam Carter

Our programme director, Dr Adam Carter introduces you to the Data Science, Technology and Innovation programme in the video above.

DSTI Introduction, Dave Robertson

Learn more about the Data Science, Technology and Innovation Programme from our first Programme Director, Professor Dave Robertson (now Head of College of Science and Engineering) in the video above.


Course Videos

Practical Introduction to Data Science

Find out more about the online course in Data Science from the course organiser and current DSTI programme Director Dr Adam Carter

Practical Introduction to Data Science, Dr Adam Carter

Understanding Data Visualisation

Find out more about the online course in data visualisation from the course organiser Dr Gian Marco Campagnolo

Understanding Data Visualisation, Dr Gian Marco Campagnolo

Managing Digital Influence

Find out more about the online course in digital influence from the course organiser Dr Gian Marco Campagnolo

Managing Data Influence, Dr Gian Marco Campagnolo

The School of Social and Political Sciences (SPS) - An overview of their offering on the Data Science, Technology and Innovation programme

A brief overview from Dr Gian Marco Campagnolo on what SPS offers students on the DSTI programme

School of SPS, Dr Gian Marco Campagnolo

A student's view

Learn more about online learning and the Data Science, Technology and Innovation Programme from a current student:

Adal has also written a blog post about being a student on the DSTI programme you can read his post  'Undertaking an online data science degree to design better environmental solutions'


Learn more about online learning and the Data Science, Technology and Innovation Programme from a former student:


Student Testimonials

My name is Mark Simons, I am in my third year studying with the DSTI at Edinburgh University, currently I am writing my Dissertation for a Data Science Masters.

The programme has been excellent, some of the standout courses for me include the Applied Machine Learning, Natural Computing and the Practical Introduction to High Performance Computing. These courses gave me a great theoretical and practical experience of Data Science concepts.

Support has been fantastic, my dissertation involves searching Twitter archives to compile my own data sets related to police brutality. I have received support on the technical and theoretical way to approach my research project which have been extremely helpful.

Very much enjoyed every aspect of studying with the DSTI.

Mark Simons
DSTI MSc graduate – testimonial written when he was a student

Snapshot videos from online learning students:

OL Snapshots


Hear from two graduates of the Data Science, Technology and Innovation programme.