Student support

While you study with us, you will be well-supported by the programme team with a wide variety of additional one-to-one support as well as study events and resources from across the University.

female student standing in front of the Advice Place

Guidance and Support

Guidance is available to support you through the matriculation process, introductory and induction events and point you to resources available within the University. 

- Information for new online students

Student Support and Welfare

Joined-up teams of specialist staff will work alongside academics, University services and fellow students to give students clear, actionable advice when they need support with practical matters, their wellbeing or their studies.

Student Advisors

Every student is assigned a named Student Advisor who will support students day to day and be the first point of contact for help when you need it most.   Student Advisors will proactively reach out to you at key times during your studies and support you through induction and key transitions during your University lifetime.

Student Wellbeing Advisors

Increased wellbeing support will be embedded in each School/Deanery in the form of new Wellbeing Advisers. Advisers will support you with your overall wellbeing, and if you need specialist support, you will be helped to navigate specialist services and relevant support networks.

Academic Cohort Lead

You will also be supported by a named academic Cohort Lead, who will support and engage with you during your programme and courses and will be able to assist you with regards to course choices which may best suit your career ambitions. They will be able to advise on which courses best suit your needs and, if needed, which particular order to take them in.  You will have regular contact with academics who teach you on your courses, and will play a critical role in your studies to provide you with specialised subject related guidance.

Further Information

For further information and FAQ's on the University's new approach to Student Support and Welfare and the background behind the the implementation of the new support model can be found below.

Our new student support model

Technical support

This is an online programme so you will be accessing materials, discussion boards and a range of tools via the Internet. The University’s Information Services (IS) provides online learning support, and guidance and training for the tools used. Our systems are designed to be easy to use and we incorporate familiarisation training into the programme induction.

Information Services has help sections designed specifically for online learners on the University’s portal (MyEd), secure access login page (Your University Login), the Virtual Learning Environment and digital library access.

Support information for online learning students

Information Services


To help you study more effectively, you will also have access to self-directed learning opportunities to develop your information and computer skills.

Information Services Skills Development

We expect that students will take responsibility for ensuring they are able to access the programme, for making back-ups of their work and organising alternative access if required.